Build a better DH syllabus

Prompted by a discussion on twitter (ht to Whitney Trettien and Daniel Powell) today (2/18/2015) about the inexcusable absence of women’s work from DH syllabi, I’m creating a space for collecting resources (the initial set up is derived from the DHSI course on Feminist DH that I teach each year with Liz Losh – if you’re not on here, it’s not because I don’t know and love your work – I just had precisely 6 minutes to get this rolling). Feel free to add yours in the comments and we’ll make this a running bibl of bad-ass DH and critical digital culture scholars. I’ll also note that there are already some great resources via dhpoco and GO:DH.
NB: I’m squeezing in additions as I’m able. This is currently thematically organized and that’s about it.
I’ll be adding in materials from Jentery Sayers’ syllabi shortly, in the meantime, you can check them out here and here.
You might also want to check out Carly Kocurek’s Teaching Theory and Technology
and Adeline Koh’s crowdsourced Race and DH
Code, Feminist Critiques of Code Culture
Wendy Chun, “Enduring Ephemeral, or the Future Is a Memory”
– selections from Programmed Visions “Invisibly Visible, Visibly, Invisible” and “On Sourcery and Source Code”
Annette Vee, “Text, Speech, Machine…” in Computational Culture
“Coding Values in Enculturation”
Tara McPherson, “U.S. Operating Systems at Mid-Century” in Race After the Internet
Lisa Gitelman, Always Already New
Barad, Karen. “Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 28, No. 3. (1 March 2003), pp. 801-831
— Posthumanist performativity : Toward an understanding of how matter comes to matter. In Deborah Orr (ed.), Belief, Bodies, and Being: Feminist Reflections on Embodiment. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2006).
Work and ideas that came up in the ensuing discussion: about work in conversation with Barad:
Sarah Kember and Joanna Zylinska, Life After New Media, MIT Press, 2012.
Anne Balsamo, Designing Culture: The Technological Imagination at Work, Duke UP, 2011.
Tara McPherson’s work on Scalar, discussed in a forthcoming article in Difference. (A talk version is here: ).
–Micha Cardenas and Zach Blas, “Imaginary Computational Systems, Queer Technologies, and Transreal Aesthetics”
Micha Cardenas et all, in and
Maria Fernandez, Faith Wilding, and Michelle M. Wright, Domain Errors, (Autonomedia, 2003)
Caludia Reiche and Verena Kuni, eds. Cyberfeminism: Next Steps (Autonomedia, 2004)
Kim Christen-Withey’s work on Mukurtu as anti-imperialist approach to database design
“Fuzzy logic:” looking at measures of information as the continuum between 0 and 1 rather than the binary,
–connected to French Feminism: Kristeva, Cixous, Irigiray, Wittig.
–see work of Margaret Homans, introduction and opening chapter in Bearing the Word (Chicago UP, 1989).

    Play, Feminist Game Studies

Mary Flanagan, Critical Play: Radical Game Design (Introduction, Ch. 2. “Playing House” (17-62) and and Ch. 7 “Critical Computer Games” (222-249).
Janine Fron, Tracy Fullerton, Jacquelyn Ford Morie, and Celia Pearce, “The Hegemony of Play”
Bonsignore, E.,* Hansen, D., Kraus, K., & Ruppel, M.* (2013). Alternate Reality Games as platforms for practicing 21st -century literacies. International Journal of Learning and Media
Kraus, K. (2011). “A counter-friction to the machine”: What game scholars, librarians, and archivists can learn from machinima makers about user activism. Special commissioned issue on machinima. Journal of Visual Culture 10(1), 100-112
Liz Losh, “#Gamergate 101” date: 10/17
Nina Huntemann (co-ed), Gaming Globally: Production, Play and Place and Joystick Soldiers: The Politics of Play in Military Video Games.
— (associate producer of the film) Joystick Warriors: Video Game Violence and the Culture of Militarism
— (produced and directed) Game Over: Gender, Race and Violence in Video Games

    Discipline/Access, Feminist Critiques of Technoculture

Radhika Gajjala, Cyberselves: Feminist Ethnographies of South Asian Women and of Cyberculture
the Subaltern: Weavings of the Virtual and Real.
Anne Balsamo, “Feminism for the Incurably Informed,” Ch. 6 in Technologies of the Gendered Body
N. Katherine Hayles, “Prologue: Computing Kin,” in My Mother Was a Computer “Prologue” and “Toward Embodied Virtuality,” in How We Became Posthuman
Lisa Nakamura “Indigenous Circuits” in American Studies Quarterly
Morgan Currie, “The Feminist Critique: Mapping Controversy in Wikipedia” in Understanding Digital Humanities, ed. David Berry (2012)
Heather Froehlich and Michele Moravec, Postcolonial Digital Humanities | Gender and the DHPoco Open Thread: A Corpus Analysis
Jasbir Puar, Homonationalism gone Viral (youtube video)
Johanna Drucker on Humanist Approaches to Graphical Display and her feminist book arts

    Program, Feminism and Theories of the Media Apparatus

Lisa Parks on drone vision: “Zeroing In: Overhead Imagery, Infrastructure Ruins, and Datalands in Afghanistan and Iraq” Ch. 14 in The Visual Culture reader, 3rd Ed., ed. Nicholas Mirzoeff, Routledge 2012
Lucy Suchman, “Preface,” “Introduction,” “Interactive Artifacts,” “Plans,” and “Situated Actions” Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication
“Human/Machine Reconsidered,” published by the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University at
Genevieve Bell and Paul Dourish “Contextualizing Ubiquitous Computing,” in Divining a Digital Future
Murray, Janet Horowitz. Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. New York: Free Press, 1997
Blair, Ann. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. New Haven Conn.: Yale University Press, 2011. Print.
Nina Lykke, Randi Markussen, and Finn Olesen, “There are Always More Things Going On Than You Thought!”: Methodologies as Thinking Technologies: Interview with Donna Haraway” Bits of Life: Feminism at the Intersections of Media, Bioscience, and Technology.
Kraus, K. and Levi, A.* (Eds.). (2012). Rough Cuts: Media and Design in Process. [Online collection of essays and artifacts]. MediaCommons: The New Everyday. [Collection includes 23 contributors; edited, curated, and published by Kraus and Levi with introduction written by Kraus]
Lisa Snyder on 3D Modeling
Miriam Posner’s Blog, especially “Commit to DH People, Not DH Projects”

    Archive, Feminist DH Projects

Alex Juhasz, The Views of the Feminist Archive
Kate Eichhorn, The Archival turn in Feminism
Katherine D. Harris, Forget Me Not! The Rise of British Literary Annuals, 1823-1835, a literary and cultural history of early British literary annuals. Ohio University Press, forthcoming June 2015.
— “TechnoRomanticism: Creating Digital Editions in an Undergraduate Classroom.” Journal of Victorian Culture 16:1 (2011 April): 107-112. Invited by journal editor, James Mussell.
Julia Flanders & Jacqueline Wernimont, “Feminism in the Age of Digital Archives” Tulsa Studies of Women’s Literature
Watch: Amy Earhart on obsolescence in feminist DH projects,
“Recovering the Recovered Text”
Bethany Nowviskie “What Girls Dig”
Trettien, Whitney Anne. ‘A Deep History of Electronic Textuality: The Case of English Reprints Jhon Milton Areopagitica’. Digital Humanities Quarterly. 7.1 (2013)
Kraus, K. (2013). Picture Criticism: Textual Studies and the Image. In Julia Flanders and Neil Fraistat (Eds.) Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. 3.
Kraus, K. (2011). Prim Drift, Copybots, and Folk Preservation. In Megan Winget and William Aspray (Eds.) Digital Media: Tech
Michelle Moravec, Unghosting Apparitional (Lesbian) Histories
Corpus Stylistics
Fischer-Starcke, B. ‘Keywords and Frequent Phrases of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice A Corpus-Stylistic Analysis’. International journal of corpus linguistics 14.4 (2009): 492–523.
Lutzky, Ursula. ‘Why and What in Early Modern English Drama’. Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics: a Multi-dimensional Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2012): 177–190.
— and Jane Demmen. ‘Pray in Early Modern English Drama’. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 14.2 (2013): 263–284.
Marchi, Anna, and Charlotte Taylor. ‘If on a Winter’s Night Two Researchers… A Challenge to Assumptions of Soundness of Interpretation’. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 3.1 (2009): 1–20. Print.
Mahlberg, Michaela. ‘Corpus Linguistics and the Study of Nineteenth-Century Fiction’. Journal of Victorian Culture 15.2 (2010): 292–298.
— Catherine Smith, and Simon Preston. ‘Phrases in Literary Contexts: Patterns and Distributions of Suspensions in Dickens’s Novels’. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 18.1 (2013): 35–56.
Selections from*:
Pahta, Päivi, and Andreas H. Jucker. Communicating Early English Manuscripts. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Meurman-Solin, Anneli and Jukka Tyrkkö. Principles and Practices for the Digital Editing and Annotation of Diachronic Data. Studies in Variation, Contact and Change in English. Volume 14. Helsinki, Finland: 2013
Nevalaienen, Terttu and Susan Fitzmaurice. How to Deal with Data: Problems and Approaches to the Investigation of the English Language over Time and Space. Volume 7. Helsinki, Finland: 2011
Gonzalez-Diaz, V. and Hodson, J. and Auer, A.. Language and Literary Style. Linguistics and Literature. John Benjamins, Amsterdam: 2012

7 Replies to “Build a better DH syllabus”

  1. Eileen Joy posted her talk, but also podcasted my talk and Angie Segler’s talk from Disrupting DH at GWU: Also, there is the entire Disrupting DH website as it currently stands: Will send you the Hamilton video of my talk on Digital Archives when I get it.

  2. All the things about the Twitter: “Social Media and Academic Surveillance: The Ethics of Digital Bodies” in Model
    View Culture: Technology, Culture, and Diversity Media (October 7, 2014) (
    Republished, Public Philosophy Journal, Penn State University, Michigan State
    University, and the Andrew Mellon Foundation (October 8, 2014)
    “#TwitterPanic: Feminist Killjoys, #TwitterPanic, and AAPI Feminist Digital
    Disruption” in Model View Culture: Technology, Culture, and Diversity
    Media (June 30, 2014) (
    with Eunsong Kim, “#TwitterEthics Manifesto” in Model View Culture: Technology,
    Culture, and Diversity Media (April 7, 2014) (
    with Kiriko Kukichi and Mike Kim, “Gawking at Rape Culture” in Model View
    Culture: Technology, Culture, and Diversity Media (April 7, 2014)
    “The Rules of Twitter: Pedagogy and Public Social Media” in Hybrid
    Pedagogy: A Digital Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Technology (December 2014).

  3. Some more pieces to add from Hybrid Pedagogy:
    Robin Wharton, “Bend Until It Breaks: Digital Humanities and Resistance” (
    Adeline Koh, “The Political Power of Play”
    Kat Lecky, “Humanizing the Interface”
    Cheryl Ball, “Editorial Pedagogy, pt. 1: A Professional Philosophy”

  4. […] event? Let us help (crowdsourced list – you can add to the spreadsheet here). Pro-tip: the “Build a Better DH Syllabus” and “Build a Better List of Code Experts” are also great resources for […]

  5. […] speakers – some of us have gathered together and made a set of resources. There’s the Build a Better DH Syllabus, Build a Better List of Code Experts, and now Build a Better Panel. You have over 100 women from […]

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