About me

Written in the third person for all the folks who will grab this for their use 🙂

Jacqueline Wernimont is Distinguished Chair of Digital Humanities and Social Engagement and an Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at Dartmouth College, where she runs the Digital Justice Lab. She specializes in mathematic and computational media and their histories, using humanistic and creative methods in her histories and analyses.

Her books include Numbered Lives: Life and Death in Quantum Media and the co-edited Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities (with Elizabeth Losh). Her current projects include creative considerations of the energy consumption of data centers and 21st century streaming, cloud computing, and data storage, as well as a book on the machines and systems of mortality in the United States.

She and Elizabeth Losh are the series co-editors for MIT Press’ Media Origins series, which focuses on histories of our media through sociocultural lenses, including the practices and politics of digital labor.

Back to first person:

My first book, Numbered Lives: Life and Death in Quantum Media came out with MIT Press in 2019. Using a two-part structure to historicize the counting of life and death in Britain and the United States, Numbered Lives is a much-needed history of the role of colonial, corporate, and religious thinking in our modern quantified lives. Two major media, pedometers and mortality tables, are featured in this wide-ranging trans-Atlantic media history. I also the co-edited the recent Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities (with Elizabeth Losh).

My work extends beyond the writing of traditional academic books into public, engaged scholarship. This has included writing for popular outlets such as Slate, The Washington Post, and the Social Sciences Research Council. In the last decade I’ve begun making collaborative multimedia installations (see Portfolio) and have led projects on privacy, intersectional approaches to technology and data, and creative communication of computing infrastructures.

You can contact me at Jacqueline.D.Wernimont(at)Dartmouth(dot)edu


3 Replies to “About me”

  1. […] Source: About me […]

  2. […] questions. An unsatisfactory finale, probably. An undeveloped one, maybe. Luckily, I chanced upon Jacqueline Wernimont. During a conference she held at the Arizona State University on October 19, 2016, the scholar […]

  3. […] Let me quickly highlight two. As we progressed over our years together, we chose to create a shared and moving leadership model. Anne Balsamo https://atec.utdallas.edu/content/anne-balsamo/ and I first led the group, then passing on that baton to three new leaders:  Sharon Irish https://sharonirish.org/, Liz Losh https://www.wm.edu/as/english/facultystaff/losh_e.php, and Lisa Nakamura https://lsa.umich.edu/ac/people/faculty/lnakamur.html. We wanted the vision and methods of FemTechNet to adapt and represent our diverse styles and interests, and one could only do this work for so long, as leading this large and ungainly “organization” was exhausting! At this point, senior scholars and/or older women were still at the helm, even as we ran this through a mobile and distributed model (it seems critical to note that our internal differences in institutional authority created their own complications within our shared-leadership model). Next up, the even larger and more diverse group called “The Fabulous Five” (with TL Cowan http://tlcowan.net/, Jasmine Rault, https://sociology.utoronto.ca/people/faculty-and-staff/jasmine-rault/, Paula Gardner https://csmm.humanities.mcmaster.ca/people/faculty/paula-gardner/, Anne Cong-Huyen https://www.lib.umich.edu/users/annech, and Veronica Paredes http://www.tft.ucla.edu/2018/08/veronica-paredes/ ). (Seeing what has happened professionally for these women since our time together by reading the bios I have included links to here remind me that FemTechNet has worked hard to help each other gain and retain employment as one of our key commitments). Finally an even larger and looser collective of young scholars (all un- or under-tenured at the time, and all people of color) led our collective. Sharon Irish explains it thus in an email, helping me remember for this writing: “CRES [a FemTechNet committee first known as Critical Race and Ethnic Studies] essentially took over, though it was more of a dissolve and rethink into a Situated Critical Race and Media Committee”  . . . Veronica, George Hoagland https://mcad.edu/faculty/george-hoagland, Anne, Alex Agloro http://www.agloro.org/, Ann Wu https://atec.utdallas.edu/content/wu-hong-an/, and occasional others, including TL and Jasmine, and Jacque Wernimont https://jwernimont.com/about/.” […]

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