This is a placeholder post – one that I’m using to remind me of some thinking, writing, and making that I’d like to do in the near future. In a recent HSCollab Possibility Lunch we spent time talking about the many many different kinds of information coded in human performance/life. We were thinking through uptake of the dress-wearing of Young Thug and Jayden Smith (below) and how we might understand these […]
Doing not Being a Book
NB: This is the written work and slide images from a talk I gave as part of the fabulous Yale Book History Seminar this weekend. Thank you to the amazing organizers for a really wonderful event. We were given provocations/prompts and asked to speak for about 20 mins. I think the most compelling part is the first section and the final paragraph :). Someday, when the book is done, I’ll work […]
Feminist Infrastructure as Metamorphic Infrastructure
I’m one of five women on a panel about Feminist Infrastructure at the Digital Humanities annual conference taking place now in Krakow, Poland. Due to other obligations, I’m here in the states, but my virtual presence will be manifest with little movie presentation. Related: not keen that this panel and so many others have been put on a “diversity” track, but happy everyone is there and doing the work. Creating […]
Timeline of #myDHis
In anticipation of the #myDH panel this afternoon at #DHSI2016, I thought I’d pull up some of the earlier conversations on this topic. There are two overlapping tags: #myDHis and #myDH. #myDHis began in 2015 as a coordinated public intervention in a conversation that was happening at a DH event. It was designed to help people in the room at that event who felt marginalized by a dominant narrative regarding […]
Articles and Chapters
A collection of articles, chapters, and other publications that I have authored or co-authored. Includes links to available articles.
Working Bibliography: Ethics of Care
UC Santa Barbara Humanities Center series “Value of Care” (podcasts incl) UNESCO Women Philosopher’s Journal Vol 1 (focus on issues of ‘care’ and ‘difference’) Adams, C. and Donovan, J. The Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. Bailey, Moya. #transform(ing)DH Writing and Research: An Autoethnography of Digital Humanities and Feminist Ethics (DHQ 2016) Bourgault, Sophie. “Beyond the saint and the red virgin: Simone Weil as feminist theorist of […]
HSCollab Hosts a Vibrant Lives Open Lab
Open Lab Session @ Matthew’s Center iStage (2nd floor): Monday, April 25th, 12pm – 1pm Intended as an informal and interactive session, we invite you to engage, play, and chat. Here’s what we’ll have to play with tomorrow: We will be catering in a light lunch. If you haven’t already RSVPed, please let us ( know if you plan to attend, so that we can make sure to have enough food […]
DataPLAY Debuts
FemTechNet’s signal/noise conference, held in Ann Arbor (MI) this weekend, hosted the debut of Vibrant Lives’ DataPLAY. Below is our playbill, which evokes early American playbills that were used to advertise formal theatrical events as well as technological experiences and new medical practices, like those at the World’s Fair or in smaller traveling techno-operas and shows. In many ways the bill and the notion of a debut suggests a polished performance […]
The data playground we sort of knew we were making
A quick overview Last weekend Vibrant Lives premiered three new sculptures commissioned by the Mesa Arts Center. The sculptures, created in collaboration with local artist Bobby Zokaites, were designed to give people a larger-scale experience of real time data shed than we had done in previous events. We consciously chose materials and shapes that would invite bodies to lay, stand, sit, and stretch across the pieces, allowing people to locate […]